3 Easy Online Side Hustles You Can Start Today For Extra Cash

Side hustles are great, but online side hustles are even better

Ewan McBride
5 min readJan 28, 2021
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Sometimes your income that you have just isn’t enough or you want to make some extra money so that you can go on more vacations or buy the latest iPhone. The best way to do this is through a side hustle because you can just work on it on the side and start making some extra cash that you can do whatever you want to do with it.

There is some really great side hustles that you can start today like eBay reselling but we are in a global pandemic which means that we are heavily restricted as to what we can do.

Here is in the UK the majority of shops are closed and everything is heavily regulated so going out to buy stuff to resell is a big no-no. This is where online side hustles come into play, these are great because you can keep working on them from wherever you are in the world.

In this article, I am going to explain to you what in my opinion are the best online side hustles that anyone can start today!

Disclaimer: Nothing in this article is legal or financial advice.

1. Instagram Theme Page

Instagram is the second-largest social media platform on the web with over 1 billion monthly active users. There are so many people on this platform that you can grow a page and sell to them.

You might be thinking that you don’t know what you would post on your page or you don’t want to have your face on it. The good news for you is that you can pick a niche that your page will be about and then post content surrounding that.

There are many different examples of this and some of the best niches are fitness, finance and memes. You can choose literally any niche and be able to make money from it though as long as you put in the work.

I have already written a full in-depth article on how to start and grow an Instagram theme page and I will leave a link to that just below this section.

Instagram can be a great source of income especially for a side hustle because it is all online and you can make it semi-passive. There are pages out there with around 20,000–40,000 followers that are making an extra $2,500 per month.

Once you have managed to reach that point, you can hire someone to run the page for you then you can start a new one and repeat the same process. You can just keep growing this and maybe make it your full-time income.

2. YouTube

You have probably seen this so many times but starting a YouTube channel can not only make a lot of money but you also don’t have to show your face. There are also some great ways to make money with YouTube without even talking in your videos.

A great style that you could try is called whiteboard animations which are those videos that look like they are being drawn on a whiteboard. They are all made in a really cheap software that you can buy for as low as $25 per month.

Making the videos are really easy and I think anyone with a laptop will be able to do it. People are naturally attracted to these videos because they look good and they are really informative.

If you want to speak in your videos then that is great but if not you can hire someone for a ridiculously cheap price in Fiverr who can do it all for you.

You can earn a lot of money with just the YouTube ads but if you add in other ways like sponsorships, affiliate marketing and digital products then you can start a really serious business that makes a lot of cash.

There are a lot of great tutorials already out there that teach you how to do this so I suggest that you have a look into them because they will help you out a lot.

3. Medium

Medium is an absolutely fantastic side hustle that anyone can do because all you need it a Stripe account and you can start making money through their partner program.

Writing on Medium is great because you can just sit down and write what you want when you want. If you have a spare hour during your lunch break, you could write an article and then upload it to Medium.

Having this flexibility is invaluable because you can really start to build up a profitable income stream but only using the spare time that you have to spare rather than you having to sacrifice even more.

You can start making money from your articles straight away which is great because if you started a blog using something like WordPress you could be waiting 6 -12 months or even longer to start seeing any money entering your bank account.

You can also write about whatever you want rather than being stuck to just one topic. This means that if you wanted to write about cats one day, you could then write about learning the banjo the next.


There are some great side hustles that you can do but having them in person can really become a challenge especially during these difficult times because it is so unpredictable. There are some amazing online side hustles that you can start that has little to no start-up costs and you can start today. These are a lot more stable and will allow you to do more fun activities when you want to.

